Plaster Additive - GOODTIME

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Additive for Plaster

It is a waterproofing additive that provides excellent workability to laying mortars and renders, waterproofing for plasters with normal setting, eliminates cracks and fissures
and continuous channels, preventing the appearance of undulations or deformations in the coatings.

 Seating mortar
 Conventional plastering
 Swimming pool lining

Discover our entire product line!
Premium Acrylic Paint
Standard Acrylic Paint
Economic Acrylic Paint
Primer Paint
Acrylic Sealer
Spackling PVA
Acrylic Putty
Smooth Texture
Acrylic Resin Waterproof
Roughcast Additive
Plaster Additive
Concrete Additive
Goodtime Indústria de Impermeabilizantes e Tintas Ltda
Rua 440, nº 953 | Morretes | Itapema | SC | BRAZIL | CEP 88220-000

Before I knew you just by hearing you speak, now I see you with my own eyes. Job 42:5
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